Detailed Due Diligence

The profitability of an operating plant (no matter how small) can be increased with the proper due diligence early in the development process.  Utility constraints, code restriction, tie-in studies, shading, and structural analysis can all make-or-break a project.  The sooner you determine if any of these present real obstacles to success, the sooner you can move on to the next one.

High Performance Design

Photo Credit: ms.akr

Photo Credit: ms.akr

Did your engineer maximize the array output by balancing the string homeruns back to the combiner?  Has he/she incorporated future maintenance access needs into their layout?  Was object near shading truly accounted for if the roof was haphazardly surveyed?  What soiling losses did they assume in their production model?  When your engineer hands you the drawing set, are you 100% confident in their work?

Full Testing & Commissioning

Testing and commissioning represents one of the most critical steps in the entire project development process.  Can you rely on the means and methods applied to last years beyond their warranty?  Have the major components been properly stressed?  Has every scenario been simulated and the appropriate responses observed?  Prior to commercial operation date as an investor you want to walk away without having any doubts that your goals will be exceeded.